Posts Tagged With: spices


This story involves two main characters, a young chef and a beautiful woman, who seems to have a perfect day, as always. The restaurant-the only setting of the movie-captures their perfect day, especially today, when these two strangers put themselves to the test of their perfect life.


Everyday, Daffa, the young chef, always having his perfect day. In his small restaurant, we can see the perfect from people’s smile around the corner, enjoying Sayur Asem and sharing laugh while eating. Everybody loves his cook, and can’t get enough of it.


The perfect woman, Sophie, enter the restaurant, so elegance. People staring at her, amazed her. It makes the perfect day more perfect. Until Sophie can’t enjoy the Sayur Asem normally. She put spices, more and more, over and over, then finally enjoy the Sayur Asem.


Daffa, who always watched the first reaction of after his consumer swallowing the first spoon of his Sayur Asem, shocked. Nobody ever treat his Sayur Asem like Sophie did. He suddenly feels miserable. His perfect day is over.


While we believe that Daffa is recovering him self from shocking, we see Sophie, sitting calmly alone with her food in the corner, look amazingly perfect, as always, and suddenly cry.


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